Demolition of Former Vicarage and Erection of an Apartment Block, Palmyra Square North, Holy Trinity Vicarage, Palmyra Square, Warrington, WA1

Case Study Reference: CS22-09-03

Planning Authority: Warrington Borough Council

Planning Reference: 2022/41087 and 2022/42482


In order to demonstrate that after the development the site could not be classified as ‘contaminated land’ under Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act a Phase I desk study and Phase II site investigation report were required to support the application for residential redevelopment of the site.

As the investigation was undertaken to support the planning the building had not been demolished and further works in the footprint of the building were proposed which was conditioned in the decision notice.

The previous reports were reviewed and a scope of works covering the areas not previously investigation was derived. The supplementary works comprised of the excavation of four trial pits in previously inaccessible areas.

The observed geology recorded in the supplementary investigation confirmed the findings of the main investigation with the additional chemical testing also concluding the same remediation.

The addendum report was submitted to discharge part of the contaminated land planning condition