Erection of a Dwelling, Trefgarne Road, Dagenham, Barking And Dagenham, RM10

Case Study Reference: CS21-02-01

Planning Authority: London Borough of Barking and Dagenham

Planning Reference: 21/00302/FULL and 21/01051/AOD


In order to demonstrate that after the development the site could not be classified as ‘contaminated land’ under Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act a Phase I desk study report was required to support the application for the erection of an extension to an existing commercial building.

A Phase I desk study report assess the potential for a site to be impacted by contamination, this is undertaken by researching the history of the site and the surrounds as well as a review of information held by regulatory bodies and a site visit.

The history of the site and surrounds were researched using a combination of Ordnance Survey (O.S.) maps, street level imagery and aerial plates. The site was open land until the 1950’s when the current building was erected, subsequent maps identified a building on the southern boundary of the site. Street level imagery confirmed the building on the site was a dwelling.

Residential garages were noted on the southern boundary of the site on the 1951 map and by the 2015 aerial plate the area had been redeveloped and was occupied by dwellings.

The geological maps were inspected which revealed the site was underlain by the Hackney Gravel Member which in turn was underlain by London Clay.

Data provided by regulatory bodies identified a pond 210m north west and 215m east of the site.

On completion of the desk based research a site reconnaissance visit was undertaken, this confirmed the site was a dwelling and associated gardens, the building on the southern boundary of the site was being used as a home gym. The area of the garages were inspected and the area was occupied by dwellings.

On completion of the walkover survey a qualitative risk assessment was undertaken on the potential sources of contamination identified in the desk study report in order to determine if any warranted further investigation, this was submitted under a separate concluded that the potential sources of contamination identified in the desk study report do not warrant further investigation and a watching brief was proposed.

The report was submitted to support the application and the recommendations were accepted. As part of the decision notice a requirement for a detailed remediation scheme was conditioned.

The methodology of the watching brief was expanded in a subsequent Phase IIIa Implementation Plan, this was submitted under separate application (21/01051/AOD) and the officer report confirms the plan was accepted.