Erection of Annexe, Park Lane, Pilling, Preston, PR3

Case Study Reference: CS20-05-01

Planning Authority: Wyre Council

Planning Reference: 19/01261/FUL and 19/01261/DIS


Given the sensitivity of the proposed development a contaminated land planning condition was attached to the decision notice for the erection of an annex building.

The first stage of discharging the contaminated land planning condition was to prepare a Phase I desk study report, this assesses the potential for a site to be impacted by using a wide range of sources including Ordnance Survey maps, information provided by regulators (Environment Agency, local authority, Coal Authority, BGS etc.).

The history of the site and the surrounds was researched using a combination of historical O.S. maps, aerial plates and street level imagery. This revealed the site was undeveloped until some time between 1912 and 1951 when the existing dwelling was erected. A review of the surrounding area did not reveal any off site potential sources of contamination.

A review of the planning history of the site identified a previous application for a rear extension to the existing building, the associated documents were reviewed and no salient information was obtained.

The recorded geology was given as Tidal Flat deposits underlain Sherwood Sandstone , no borehole records in the public domain were available through the British Geological Survey.

Data provided by regulators identified a pond 190m north of the site.

On completion of the desk based assessment a site walkover visit was undertaken, this revealed the site was part of the garden of the associated dwelling.

Once the walkover survey had been completed qualitative risk assessment was undertaken in order to determine which of the potential sources warranted further investigation, this concluded that there were no credible potential sources of contamination and no further works were warranted.

Given that no credible sources of contamination were noted, a conceptual mode could not be constructed, hence the report recommended that no further works were required.

The report was submitted to discharge the condition (19/01261/DIS ) the memo from Environmental Health confirming the report was accepted  and the findings of the watching brief will be required in order to fully discharge the contaminated land planning condition.