Conversion of an Agricultural Barn to Single Dwelling, Wrenbury Heath Road, Wrenbury Heath, CW5 8BT

Case Study Reference: 19-12-02

Planning Authority: Cheshire East Council

Planning Reference: Cheshire East Council and 19/5816N


In order to support the application for the conversion of an agricultural building to a dwelling a Phase I Desk study report was required to demonstrate that the site could be developed and not be determined as contaminated land under Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990.

The local authority noted that the proposed development was a sensitive end use (residential)  and that the site has a a history of agricultural use and therefore the land may be contaminated (‘Environmental Protection’ document).

Demeter Environmental were commissioned to prepare a Phase I Desk Study report to support the subject application.

The desk study report is a desk-based review of both the history of the site as well as any data held by regulators (Environment Agency, local authority, BGS, etc.) as well as a review of the history of the site using historical Ordnance Survey maps from the 1850’s as well as aerial plates and street level imagery.

The review of the site history the site was developed prior to the first edition O.S. maps (1875), a review of the environmental data did not reveal any potential sources of contamination.





The walkover survey .revealed the site was occupied by a former dwelling (which was in a state of disrepair and was used as stables) as well as a barn, which was used for general storage.


The qualitative assessment of the potential sources of contamination concluded that there were no potential sources of contamination and with the exception of a watching brief for unexpected contamination, no further works were proposed.

The recommendations were accepted by the local authority with only the condition for a watching brief being attached to the decision notice.