Erection of a Dwelling, Wigan Road, Euxton, Chorley

Case Study Reference: 10-10-01

Planning Authority: Chorley Council

Planning Reference: 07/01191/FUL and 10/00973/DIS


Given the sensitive nature of the development (residential) a contaminated land planning condition was attached pot eh decision notice as the guidance (PPS23) used the precautionary principal and assumed the presence of contamination for sensitive land uses.

The first part of discharging this condition was to prepare a Phase I desk study report, this assesses the potential for a site to be impacted by contamination by using a range of sources.

The history of the site and its surrounds was reviewed using a combination of historical Ordnance Survey maps (O.S.) as well as aerial plates and street level imagery. This revealed that the site was developed before the first edition map and was occupied by a dwelling until circa 1963. The 2009 street level image confirmed the site was a garden.



The review of the O.S. maps also identified a number of in-filled ponds within 250m of the site.

Data provided by regulators (local authority, Environment Agency etc.) did not provide any further salient information.

On completion of the desk based assessment a site reconnaissance visit (walkover survey) was undertaken, this confirmed the site formed part fo the garden of the adjoining dwelling.

On completion of the site visit the potential sources iof contamination identified were subject to a qualitative risk assessment in order to determine if any of the potential sources posed a credible risk to the site, it was concluded that all the potential sources did not pose a risk to the site.

The report was submitted with an application o discharge conditions (reference 10/00973/DIS), the report was accepted and the application approved.