Erection of a Detached Dwelling on a Garden at Church Broughton, Derby

Case Study Reference: CS09-08-01

Planning Authority: South Derbyshire District Council

Planning Reference: 9/2009/0399 and 9/2012/0806


Due to the sensitive nature of the proposed development (residential) contamination is assumed until demonstrated otherwise, hence a contaminated land planning condition was attached to the decision notice for the proposed development. (reference 09/2009/0399).

The first stage of discharging the condition was the preparation of a Phase I desk study report,  Demeter Environmental Ltd was commissioned to prepare a desk Study report.

The desk study reviews the history of the site and its surrounds and information provided by regulatory bodies in order to assess the possibility the site is impacted by elevated concentrations of contamination.

The review of the O.S. maps indicate the site has formed part of a garden from before the first edition O.S. map. A smithy and a graveyard were identified on the O.S. maps in close proximity to the site. A number of in-filled ponds were also noted.

No further salient information was provided by regulatory bodies.

On completion of the desk based assessment a site walkover survey was undertaken, this confirmed the site formed part of the garden of the adjoining dwelling.

As part of the survey a hand held trial pit was excavated in order to assess the potential risk of made ground being present, no made ground was noted.

All potential sources were subject to a qualitative risk assessment which concluded that the risk form the smithy was low and negligible form the in-filled ponds and graveyard. Hence the report concluded that no further works were warranted.

A second application was made in 2012 (9/2012/0249), when the desk study report was submitted as part of the application, the report was accepted and as such, the contaminated land condition was not attached to the decision notice, indicating the recommendations in the desk study had been accepted.