Wildlife Park Educational Centre, GW Topham and Son, Cambridge Road, Eltisley, Eltisley, Cambridgeshire, PE19 6TR

Erection of an Education Centre, Eltisley, Cambridgeshire, PE19 6TR

Case Study Reference: 14-12-01

Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council.

Planning Reference: S/0883/15/FL


Given the agricultural legacy of the site a Phase I Desk Study report was required to support the application for the conversion of a straw barn to a wildlife education centre.

A desk study determines what issues relating to historical contamination may affect the site, this is undertaken by reviewing the site history using a combination of O.S. maps, aerial, plates and street level imagery, a review of data held by regulatory bodies (Environment Agency, local authority, BGS etc.) as well as a site walkover survey.

The review of the historical Ordnance Survey maps undertaken as part of the desk study report identified little historical use and the existing building was erected circa 2010. Once parcel of in-filled land (pond) was identified within 250m of the site.

No salient information as provided by regulatory bodies.

On completion of the desk based survey a walkover survey revealed that the site was currently used for the hay and chemicals (traffic film remover and tractor transmission oil) but there was no evidence of releases. Cement sheeting was also identified on the barn as well as made ground in the area of the barn.

The risk assessment concluded that the risks form the cement sheeting and chemical storage were sufficiently low as not to warrant further investigation. In lieu of intrusive works the removal of the made ground identified during the walkover survey to be removed from any landscaped areas.

The recommendations of the report were accepted and the report can be accessed here (via South Cambridgeshire District Council planning portal – identified as ‘Desk Study Report’) with the Delegation Report confirming the acceptance of the recommendations of the desk study report.